How to choose a lawyer?

First, let’s answer the question: “Is it possible to win the process without the participation of a lawyer?”. Yes! But, if you are an erudite person, capable of assimilating large volumes of previously unfamiliar information, capable of logically thinking and expressing their thoughts verbally, a good psychologist, have the gift of persuasion and are able to control their emotions.

The judge will independently evaluate your judgments and arguments, as well as the witnesses you invited, will study the facts and evidence you have provided. Therefore, if you cope with this task, not missing the opportunity to present important facts and circumstances of the case in a timely manner to the court, give logically verified arguments and be able to “not stick out” the moments that are unfavorable for you, ask the right questions and skillfully answer the counter-offense of the lawyer of the opposite side, relying on learned jurisprudence and legislation – you can be congratulated.

In real life, it often happens differently: not everyone wins the processes using the services of lawyers, and a very small number of people among those who do without them at all.

Can you get the services of a free lawyer?

Undoubtedly. At the same time, the lawyer should have intrinsic motivation and experience in conducting such cases. This is also justified if it is a talented and ambitious lawyer who seeks to gain as many winning cases as possible in his “baggage of experience” and to continue to engage in private law practice.

Or if it’s an experienced private lawyer who, in exchange for future preferences, was asked by familiar investigators, prosecutors or judges to deal with this case due to a catastrophic lack of staff when they contacted the bar to request a lawyer and, for example, conduct urgent investigative measures with several minors involved in the case. If this is a resonant matter, and to win it is a question of the future popularity of sexual harassment lawyer, self-promotion, and, as a result, additional bonuses to reputation and an increase in the amount of fees.

How to choose a private lawyer?

This may not be so simple, and, as a rule, there is always not enough time. After all, as a rule, it is impossible to predict in advance the need for legal defense services in court. Of course, you should look closely at law firms and individual human rights defenders on an ongoing basis, drawing information from the press, the Internet, communicating with people, and consulting with lawyers themselves on certain current issues. But, if a decision needs to be taken immediately, consider the following recommendations:

  • The lawyer will work with full dedication if two key points coincide for him: payment for his services is adequate to his expectations (fair), your feedback about him will affect his private professional practice: for better or for worse;
  • It is better to choose a lawyer not from beginners, as well as from lawyers who are not ending their careers, since in the first case there may be a lack of experience, and in the second – initiative;
  • Be cautious of lawyers who promise and guarantee, since not everyone has a pool of regular clients: any guarantees are admissible only in the only case – personal knowledge and acquaintance with the judge, the possibility of a lawyer confidential consultation with him;
  • If you decide to turn to the so-called elite lawyer who serves mainly the interests of large companies and wealthy citizens, and you do not belong to this circle, then the degree of his motivation to win will be disproportionately low in relation to his fee. You also risk money, and such a lawyer does not risk anything, since in real life you are unable to damage his reputation.